Friday, May 16, 2008


Look past this and realize that there is beauty in all things. Drop the mirror and find that heart that is in the center of it and use it to fuel a fire. And while fueling a fire with your heart sounds so cliche I'm going to say it anyways... I didn't mean for that to rhyme but hopefully it doesn't add noise to what I am trying to say. And what I am trying to say is this. Look past that mirror you stand in front of everyday and realize that there is a story inside of every imperfection you see... and those imperfections make you who you are today. And when you look at someone else don't view them with your eyes fogged over by the commercialization of self worth. Look straight past them and into their souls for the soul is what really counts in this world despite what Cosmo says.

~Poetic misfit

New Direction for blog

Okay so I suck at talking about myself. So instead of talking about myself I've decided that every week I am going to post a new poem. I hope that I can keep up with it. So yeah I'll start posting those. Check back weekly!

~Holden Hay "Poetic Misfit"